I am thinking of buying a domain for this health blog since the search engine pull down it's PR to zero. I dont actually know why the search engine pull down the PR of this blog since I dont do too many paid posting here. I make money from this site through Google Adsense and I am very happy how it works for this blog.
I just dont know what is the best web hosting I should get my domain from, since there are so many that I can choose from. I guess I just have to wait and learn how things go. I am still making good money lately on my Google Adsense anyway. So it doesn't really matter if I have PR on this blog or not, as long as this blog is still getting good position on the SERP search, I don't have to worry about the PR. But still good to have a second option. I just need to update this blog more often. I feel bad that I wasn't able to update this last week. I will be thinking of another good health topic to post this coming week for this blog.
Friday, August 15, 2008
Thinking Of Health Domain
Posted by crutcrit on 5:53 AM