The appearance of fine lines and wrinkles can be reduced temporarily by peeling off the outer layer of skin from the face. This makes the face red, raw and sore for a few days before new skin grows, but this new skin will appear to have fewer fine lines and wrinkles. Cosmetic surgeons use chemical skin peels such as strong acids, or physical skin peels such as dermabrasion or laser planing.
Originally, phenol-based skin peelers were used to dissolve the outer layer of skin cells, but this is a highly corrosive and unreliable technique and has been superceded by the use of tricoloroacetic acid. This chemicals are far more corrosive than any skin peel exfoliant that you can buy over the counter or use in a salon, and they burn more deeper into the skin. Results are generally good, but there are some horror stories of permanent disfigurement and eye damaged.
Dermabrasion involves a tiny, high speed, rotating abrasive pad which is used to skim off the outer layer of skin cells in the same way that a large sanding disk is used to smooth wooden floors. Technology moves very quickly and dermabrasion is rapidly being replaced by laser planing, in which a powerful laser bean burns off the oute layer of skin cells. Result are generally good and the time of writing, there have been no headline of bad effects of dermabrasion.
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Deep SKin Peeling Informations
Posted by crutcrit on 4:19 AM