Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Muscle Pain On My Back and Neck

I am still suffering from my lower back pain so I still can't do much weight lifting exercises. Aside from my lower back pain, I have a stiff right shoulder giving me pain on my right neck going down my back. Geee, this is probably the result of sleeping too much.. lols..

I will try to do a light weight lifting dance with a lot of stretching and see how it goes. I will also set another appointment with my massage therapist this week to loosen up some more stiff muscles on my back.

My weight is still the same and I try to eat less. Well, my appetitite is low because of the pain. I really hope the pain will be lesser when I start working since my work require a lot of movements.
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Saturday, March 27, 2010

Ease Lower Back Pain and Fatigue

I was having a terrible headache and lower back pain so I wasn't able to do anything. I wasn't able to sleep the whole night making me feel more fatigue the whole day. So I wasn't able to do my Saturday exercise.

I went to my massage therapist to ease my lower back pain and headache. After my massage, I feel a lot better and my muscles feel more relax.

I will sleep in a while and prepare my body and mind for a long exercise tomorrow and start working on new products to post on my webstore.
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Saturday, March 20, 2010

Guilty For Ruined Weight Loss Diet

I feel so guilty for ruining my weight loss diet this weekend. I have been overeating since yesterday and I have to keep focus on my plan. I can't look at the weighing scale for fear of seeing some weight gain. hehhehehe!!

But that's okey, I will make it up this coming week and be more focus on my weight loss routine diet. Spring is here and I really need to loose more weight.

But I am so happy with the progress of my weight loss. My clothes are getting loose. Infact, I have to use belt when wearing my favorite jeans because it's loose.

We were shopping around yesterday and I am so glad that the size of the jeans that I tried are smaller than before. I just need to wait for more weeks before I buy new jeans, because I am pretty sure that I will loose more weight.
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Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Weight Loss To Look Good

I ate too much last weekend and I have to eat at McDonald with my kids last Monday so I ended up ot loosing any weight at this time. I am trying to copy up with the days where I am supposed to be eating the right food.

I also wasn't able to do my exercise for 3 days. But I am glad, I was able to do my 45 min dance aerobics today.

Spring is here and I only have few months left for summer. I need to losse weight before then so I can wear my summer clothes nicely. I am not trying to look like a "trying hard" mother to look sexy, but I just want to look nice.
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Sunday, March 14, 2010

Loosing Weight The Natural Way

I over eat this weekend and I will try to cath up with my weight loss diet for the whole week. I think a weekend off for eating food that I really love to eat won't hurt. However, I over eat which is not very good.

My pants are getting loose and I have to hold on and continue dieting until I reach the weight that I want. I am not trying to loose weight and look like a trying hard to be sexy, eventhough I am sexy...lols.... I just want to look good on my age and of course, be healthy.

Exercising have helped me a lot to cope up with the type of work that I have. It releases some tension on my muscles and give me more strenght. It also help to speed up my metabolism.

So if you are trying to loose weight like me, you don't have to suffer eating less foods within the day. Or avoiding foods that you love. You just need to focus on eating healthy foods and foods rich in fiber while eating moderate amount of food that you love to eat. Eat more vegetable and fruit to help burn more calories and speed up your metabolism.
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Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Continously Loosing Weight

I am continously loosing weight and my pants are starting to get loose. I hope that before summer I already lost the 12lbs that I have been trying to reach.

I still eat all the foods that I love to eat, but I always make sure that I eat everything in moderation. I always pack green salad with lots of tomatoe in it to make sure that I have enough fiber to speed up my metabolism and burn more fats.

And of course, I make sure that I exercise 30 to 60 minutes, at least 3 to 4 times a week or even more.

I wasn't able to do my exercise yesterday because I have to go to the hair salon for my haircut appointment. And I was suppose to do my 60 minutes exercise today but only did 30 minutes because I have to have my hair colored.

I seriously want to loose about 12 more lbs until summer and I definitely will. I will eat more Tomatoes and continously watch what I eat.
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Sunday, March 7, 2010

Wieght Loss For Skinny Jeans

I lost tracked of my healthy choices of food this weekend, so I feel sad about it. I didn't look at the weighing scale as I might just be disappointed. But I will start my diet again as the week starts.

I will ship two orders tomorrow and I will make sure to do my one hour exercise after.

And tonight, when I go to work, I will make sure to bring some healthy greek salad with me and one wheat chicken sandwich to eat on my break time.

I need to loose 12 more lbs before summer so I can wear some of my summer clothes. I can't wait to buy about 2 more skinny jeans and wear it with the new boots that I just bought yesterday, this spring.
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Monday, March 1, 2010

Exercise Is For Everyone

I am so happy to look at my weighing scale again. I am continously loosing weight by eating food rich in fiber. And today, I gladly did my 61 minutes workout. I feel good after my workout. The stiff area on my shoulder subside.

Some people think that exercising is only for people who want to loose weight. Exercising is for everyone. This help us burn fats and speed our metabolism. The more be age, the more we should spend time exercising to give us more energy and strenght.
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