Allergies are cause by hypersensitivity to certain foods, dust pollen, moulds and animal dander. Allergy sufferers may be affected by any combination of year-round and/or seasonal allergens. Whe the body is affected by substances that you are allergic to Histamine is released by the Immune sytem. It creates changes in tissue that cause allergy symptoms ranging from runny nose, nasal congestion and watery eyes, to wheezing, hives, rashes and itchiness.
Seasonal allergic rhinitis or hay fever, occurs at the same time each year usually in response to pollen in the air. Trees release pollen in the spring, grasses, weeds in late spring and early summer and ragweed in late summer and autumn until the first frost. Sensitivity tends to increase with more and more exposure. Allergies seems to get worst toward the end of the season. Weather condition also play a big role in the severity of the seasonal allergies. You may have more iriitation on windy days when more pollen is airborne. Rain on the other hand, tends to clear the air of pollen and you may find these times more comfortable.
Perrenial allergic rhinitis affects people all year-round because the allergens house dust, animal dander, mould etc- are continually a part of the environment. Allergic reactions may also be trigeered by smoke and perfume. Unlike seasonal allergic rhinits, perennial allergic rhinits tends to worsen in winter, when people are likely to spend more time indoors.
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
Causes of Allergic Rhinitis
Posted by crutcrit on 4:33 AM