Saturday, December 29, 2007

Tips For Dealing Stress For Your Health

Follow the "Get Stress Fit" plan for a healthier, more enjoable life. Here are 12 easy to remember tips on how you can bring stress fitness into your life. Keep them handy and review them often for your health.

G-ive yourself a break. Go for a walk; get a good night's sleep: get away from it all for good health.

E-at a healthy diet for good health.

T-alk it out for your good health.

S-pend time with family and friends for good health

T-ake a course-for fun or self-improvement for good health.

R-elax.. with a good book, great movie or your favorite music for good health.

S-et priorities.

S-chedule you time.

F-ind alternatives sources of satisfaction.

I-ncrease your awareness of what causes your stress.

T-ake action! Address the person or situation that's causing stress. And if you're still not sure how to manage, talk to your health care professional or contact the Heart and Stroke Foundation for more information (1-888-HSF_INFO)


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