Saturday, December 29, 2007

Tips For Dealing Stress For Your Health

Follow the "Get Stress Fit" plan for a healthier, more enjoable life. Here are 12 easy to remember tips on how you can bring stress fitness into your life. Keep them handy and review them often for your health.

G-ive yourself a break. Go for a walk; get a good night's sleep: get away from it all for good health.

E-at a healthy diet for good health.

T-alk it out for your good health.

S-pend time with family and friends for good health

T-ake a course-for fun or self-improvement for good health.

R-elax.. with a good book, great movie or your favorite music for good health.

S-et priorities.

S-chedule you time.

F-ind alternatives sources of satisfaction.

I-ncrease your awareness of what causes your stress.

T-ake action! Address the person or situation that's causing stress. And if you're still not sure how to manage, talk to your health care professional or contact the Heart and Stroke Foundation for more information (1-888-HSF_INFO)

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Monday, December 24, 2007

Coping Strategies To Keep Stress Fit

If you've answered in the same manner as below, you're already practicing some "Stress Fit" strategies. If not, you may want to review the situations and consider alternative strategies to keep Stress Fit that may help you live a good health and more enjoyable life.

Remember, there is no single Stress coping skill that will effectively help you manage your Stress in all situations or all the time. The best approach to Stress manegement is developing a flexible set of techniques that works for you as an indiviidual.

1. The first step to managing Stress is acknowledging the need for change. Take some quiet time to try to identify the source of your Stress. Continuing to deny a stressful situation can have serious long term effects on your heart health. (F)

2. Once you've identified what causes Stress in your life, it's important to find information on how to develop new skills or improve already existing ones. A certified professional can help for your health. (T)

3. A number of problems- an increase in heart rate and blood pressure, muscles tension, poor concentration, irritability, and sleep problems- can all be symptoms of excessive Stress in your life. Don't ignore these signs- they're your body's ways of telling you something wrong. See your doctor or Stress management specialist. This is very important for your health. (F)

4. You may feel that alcohol, smoking or other substances may numb your Stress and help you deal with a difficult situation. But any relief is only temporary, and this behaviour can only lead to additional problems for your physical and emotional health. (F)

5. Setting some priorities and being flexible about things that aren't critical can help you adapt to a particularly stressful time. Learn to manage your time and set realistic deadlines. This should be part of your overall Stress management plan for good health. (T)

6. Realize that there are equally rewarding sources of satisfaction available to you. You may want to look for inspiration in art, literature, philosophy or religion. Or simply spend time on the activities you enjoy. (T)

7. Stressful situations often present an opportunity for you to grow in your positive emotions and attitudes. These can include the ability to see the humour in your situation, to trust in your convictions, and to develop more confidence in the people close to you. (T)

8. Sometimes it may be necessary to re-examine your life goals to see if they still effectively reflect what you want out of your life or career. If they don't, maybe it's time to re-assess your goals and priorities. (T)

9. When you're under pressure or Stress you may be more irritable with the people closest to you. There are more positive ways of letting out the emotional and physical tension contributing to Stress. Try to avoid situations that are bound to be stressful, excercise to reduce tension or remove yourself temporarily from a situation. (F)

10. At times Stress can lead to feelings of anxiety or helplessnes. It's important to break the cycle of negative thoughts, by looking for ways to reduce Stress or cushion how much it disrupts your life. (F)

11. Talking to others can give you a fresh perspective on a stressful situation. Plus, friends and family can be valuable form of moral support when you need to feel good about yourself and very good for emotional health.(F)

12. Sometimes it's important to get some emotional distance from your daily hassle. Take on an activity that makes you temporarily forget what's going on. Enjoy yourself and have a good health. (T)

Merry Christmas to everyone..
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Thursday, December 6, 2007

Recovery From Facelift

After the Facelift surgery, you'll wake up to find your head wrapped in bandages with an opening fo the face. The Facelift bandage minimize bruising and swelling and help keep your head immobile. The Facelift surgeon will remove them after a day or so to have a looks and then re-dress the face. The suse of painkillers should be discussed with your Facelift surgeon because most can cause bruising, ASA (e.g. Aspirin) and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are likely to cause post-operative bleeding, so will be advised not to use them for 10 days after the Facelift surgery. Vitamin E and estrogen (e.g. the Pill, or HRT) are also contraindicated. Tylenol is considered safe.

Bruising and swelling after the Facelif is normal and gradually subside. Even the most severe swelling will subside by the third week. Some Facelift surgeon recommend keeping the head elevated for the first few days as bending ove or even letting the head drop forwards, may aggravate the swelling. Once the bandages are removed, you'll look pale, slightly bruised and puffy, and you may also have black eyes. The extent of the Facelift surgery will determine the extend of the bruising and how long it will last.

Facelift surgeon say it is normal to have some temporary numbness of the cheeks and around the aers. This is the result of the division of the sensory nerves during the surgery. Fortunately, the numbness wears of time as the nerves experience some regrowth and the brain adjusts to the change. The numbness usually disappears within six to 12 months, although some people experience it longer. Any stitches around the ears and under the chin will be removed after about five days. This is painless. The ones in the hairline will not come out for another weeks or so as this area takes longer to heal.

Scarring in Facelift procedure is inevitable, but skilles surgeons work is evident when the scars are not. Facelift surgeons generally aim to hide them in the facial creases around the ears and in the hair. Some Facelift sirgeons make the incision just inside the ear so the scar is out of sight. The scar can be places behind or in front of the ear; much will depend on whether the cheek skin colour matches the colour of the aer. The scar from facelift may sometimes "spread". This is called a hypertrophic scar, but is rare and caused by a peculiarity in the person's healing process. Hypertrophic scars occur more often in people with pigmented, elastic skin. The slowest scara to heal are usually the ones behind the ears, which may develop a sore, crusty or discoloured area for a few weeks. They may also shift or widen.

Facelift scars are usually pink to start with, fading to a white or pinky coloured line. They will aloso become softer and more supple over the following few weeks or months. All scars from Facelift don't fade, minor surgery and final result are unpredictable. If the scars from Facelift don't fade, minor surgery or steroid injections may improve them. Small hairless areas are sometimes appear next to the scra but can usually be hidden by hair. New hair growth starts after about three months, filling in these areas. You may find that the hair around the templates is thinner, and some may not grow back. If the temporal hairline has been lifted, your ears will be more exposed and you may have to change your hairstyle.

Most people after Facelift are back at work after two weeks, although the visible signs of Facelift surgery will still be evident until about the third week. Make-up may help camouflage some of the bruising, but if you have had the surgery around the eyes area you may need to avoid eye make-up for two to three weeks to avoid infections. Heavy work or exertion is not encourage for the first two or three as it could aggravate swelling and might pull on the stitches or scars. Avoid alcohol for several weeks as it increases swelling and the possibility of bleeding. You should also avoid sudden movements and any strain and stress for the first 10 days. Don't apply icepacks, or even cold water, to your face during the Facelift healing process.

THe are around the neck may feel tight at first, and facial movements after Facelift amy be slightly stiff, especially when you eat or talk, but these effects wear off after a couple of weeks.
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Saturday, December 1, 2007

Facelift Procedure And How Long It Last

Although the majority of Facelift Procedure in Canada are done under a local anesthetic with sedation, some doctors prefer to use a general anesthetic. In that case, you'll sleep through the Facelift surgery. This will be discussed with your cosmetic surgeon during your Facelift consulatation. The Facelift Procedure is performed in a surgeon's offece-based facility, an outpatient surgery centre or a hospital. Certain conditions such as diabetes or high blood pressure should be monitored after the Facelift surgery and may also require a short inpatient stay. The operation usually takes between two or five hours.

Immediately before the Facelift operation, your hair is pulled back and the incision sited are marked. A fine strip of hair will be trimmed along the incision lines. Your face is washed with an anti-bacterial solutio, and gauze is placed in your ears to keep out fluids.

The surgeon operated on one side if the face at a time. The Facelift insicion usually begins inside the hairline at the templates and then slopes down in front of the ear and around the earlobe until it reaches the nape of the neck at the back of the scalp. The skin is then lifted at the temples ans around the ears ans separated from the underlying fat and muscles. The Facelift or SMAS and muscles are tightened and the layers of underlying tissue are pulled up and back. Stitches are then used to secure the layers behind and above the ears, and the excess is cut off. The skin is drawn over the tightened layer of muscle and membrane, and then trimmed.

The Facelift stitches used to close the insicion are usually placed in front of, or just inside, the aer, behind the ear and in the hairline. For improvements in the neck region, a small insicion may be made during Facelift procedure under the chin so that excess fat can be removed and the platysma muscles tightened. These days many Facelift surgeons use liposuction to remove excess fat. If any blood begins to collect under the skin, a small drainage tube may be temporarily inserted in the back of the ear. Many Facelift surgeons prefer to use large, firm facial dressings for the first two days after the operation, which reduces bleeding and often the necessity for drains.

A skilled Facelift surgeon will make sure you retain a natural-looking hairline. ONe way of avoiding losing the hair that grows along the front of the ears by a short, horizontal cut below the sideburns. A natural-looking hairline is retained by lifting the skin back, but not up. The small scar can usually be hidden by the hair. Only a fine strip of hair is trimmed before the opration and it is this skin, clipped of its hair, which is removed during the Facelift opration. This means that afterwards there is little evidence of shaving or baldness along the oprating line.

How long will Facelift last?
This is a difficult question to answer because it depends on may factors. Ageing continue at its usual rate, but there isn't a specific predictable future time at which the benefits of a Facelift will be lost to the ageing process; neither does the face suddenly drop after a few years. For anyone undergoing a repeat Facelift, the usual period between oprations is about 10 years, but this very much depends on the individual.
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