Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Best Natural Facial Care For Acne

There are many factor why acne occur. Acne is a disease of the sebaceous glands and hair follicles. It involves the over production of sebum and the development of bacteria in the sebacous glands. When the surplus sebum cannot flow off quickly enough because of the excessively thick openings which cause the pores to clogged.

Yellow sebum forms and gradually becomes black on expossure to air, forming blackheads (comedos). The sebaceous glands continue to produce sebum. The pressure of excessive sebum in the connective tissue increases and creates inflammations, abscesses, knots or pimples.

There is no exact cure for Acne but using Natural Facial Care products will surely help to control the production of Acne because it naturally allow the sebum to drain gently. Visit my webstore All Natural Cosmetics 4u to learn more.

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