Thursday, August 5, 2010

Insecurity That PushesTo Loose Weight

I think my insecurity for someone that I don't really know in person but just a picture on the internet, is helping me to push myself in loosing weight. So I am taking this as an advantage on the health part of my life.

I can feel that the vegetable diet soup is working in melting my fats away because I can feel some cramps inside my tummy the whole night. My metabolism is speeding up now so I am taking advantage be eating more fruits.

Since my mind is already set in seriously loosing weight sooner, I will increase the amount of weight I am lifting during my stretching exercise, by next week. This will speed up the burning of fats so I can loose weight faster.

The vegetable diet soup that I made is already finished. I will go out later today to buy fruits and the vegetable I need in making another batch of vegetable diet soup.

I will definitely need to loose the weight and overcome my insecurity.

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