Monday, October 31, 2011

Ate Too Much Pasta

I didn't work tonight and I really hate myself for eating too much foods rich in carbohydrate yesterday. I really really need to control myself because I need to lose weight before Nov. 26 for the party I am going to attend. I am planning to wear something sexy and I need to lose those extra bulk on my upper body due to eating too much carbohydrated.Anyway, I am glad I was able to do all the workout plan last week, and I started this week right. I did my Ballroom cardio this morning and I am planning to do another Cardio Ballroom workout today...
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Sunday, October 30, 2011

Loosing Weight Before The Shut Down

I has another big eating day yesterday specially at the party. What do you expect on the weekend, specially when at the party. But that's okey, I will make sure to eat less this week and make sure to lose weight before the end of the year. We are going to have about 2 weeks company shut down so I want to make sure that I will lose weight before the shut down starts. Otherwise, weight and fats will add up before the end of 2 weeks. I don't want to be fat anymo...
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Friday, October 28, 2011

Guilty On Carbs

I ate too much carbs and I gained another 1 pound this week. I am so undisciplined!!! I really really need to lose those extra weight I gained last summer before Nov. 26 for the golden wedding anniversary of our friend. I am planning to wear something nice and I want to look good on pictures.I wasn't able to do my workout last Tuesday that's why I have to squeeze my workout shcedule to make sure all the workout routine I made will all be done. It's the weekend and I will make sure to eat less carbas even at the party that we are going to attend...
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Sunday, October 23, 2011

Second Week Of Dance Workout

I am glad I was able to do all my Hip Hop Dance Routine workout for this week including all the abs workout that I included on my plan, except for the 30 minutes stretching for Saturday. But it's okey, I do a lot of stretching every after workout.Next week will be the start of another No Weight Lifting Dance workout, using Petra Kolberg and Cheryl Burke Dance Workout DVD. Just Dance workout dvd by Petra Kolberg is my most favorite dance workout because of the music that realy relaxes my mind and body, while giving me a total sweat workout.I need...
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Friday, October 21, 2011

HipHop Dance Workout Week

I am too lazy to do my Hip Hop Dance workout today. So I will just to two dance workout dvd's tomorrow to make it up for today. Thank God, that I was able to do my workout for the past 4 days despite my chatting online... hahahahha...
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Tuesday, October 18, 2011

No Lifting Weight Workout

This week is the start of the 4 weeks of no weight lifting workout but all just dance workout. And also, this week is my HIP HOP dancing workout week and I just started my Favorite Hip Hop Dance workout DVD yesterday. My weight is still the same. However I need to lose those extra weight that I gained last summer and it's so sad that I am trying to lose those extra weight for a couple of months now and keeps on failing. I need to focus on losing those extra weight because I have a lot of parties to attend. Since this week is the start of my 4 weeks...
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Sunday, October 16, 2011

Interupted Motivation

I didn't do my workout yesterday because I feel so weak due to lack of sleep. I feel so lazy again today but I will try my very best to do my workout for today. I will just wait 'til the food that I ate be digested. Sigh!!! too much work just to avoid being fat.I have been in emotional turmoil since last week which made my motivation in working out so low. Attending parties and gathering with nice people did so much help to recover my positive outlook in my everyday life. I will try my very best not to be interupted by evilness of other peop...
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Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Lost 3 Days Workout

I did my workout schedule for today. Thank God!!!...I will try to catch up with the three workout days I lost last week. I had a headache today that's why I didn't go to work and yet, I couldn't have a good straight sleep. But I will make sure to do my dance workout for today before I go to bed. I am pretty excited to do my Funky Dance workout d...
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Monday, October 10, 2011

Evilness Can Ruin The Peace

I had some rough days this weekend which made my lazy to do my workout. Sometimes evil things exist that will really ruin your peacefulness. Evil really is always there to enter your peaceful and happy life. Oh well, I will make sure to complete my workout routine for this week. I hope there will be no more devil that will enter my happy li...
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Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Feeling Bad for EatingToo Much Carbs

I cooked this chinese rice noodles with beef and bean sprout with a little bit of shrimp and chinese bokchoy yesterday. It's my kids favorite and my favorite too. So I enede up over eating it the whole day until the whole night at work and until today when I get home from work. I feel soooooo bad!!!!I need to eat less for a couple of days to lose those extra extra extra calories that I have taken yesterday until today. I need to do extra workout too!!!I ate too much carbs!!! Although carbs can be easily burned, but eating too much is not an excuse....
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Sunday, October 2, 2011

One Day For Stretching

I am glad that I have followed all the workout routine schedule for this week except for abs workout. Other than that, I am happy that I was able to focus on my fitness plan.I did another changes on my workout schedule because I realized that I have no room for rest or it is crowding my schedule everytime I skipped one day workout. So I thought of of having one day off of workout and have it as one day full of stretching workout for my stiff muscl...
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