Cosmetic surgery nowadays is just like buying make up and puttng it to your face. It's very normal and most of the people, mostly women, will save their money just to be able to satisfy themselves through their physical appearance. I don't see anything bad as long as you can afford and willing to go through some pain. But it is important to be educated about some basic information about different kind of surgery. This will give you a better judgement on when, how and who is the expert on this.
Surgery on the eyelids, or
blepharoplasty, is one of the oldest cosmetic-surgery procedures. In fact, the first surgery to correct eyelids deformities can be traced back to the 10th and 11th centuries when court physicians in Arabia used a primitive technique to remove excess upper-eyelids skin that was impairing the vision. Bleparoplasty was established as a surgical procedure early last century, although doctors at first thought the fullness of the eyelids was caused by cycts or an abnormak collection of fluid (edema). It was later found to be a combination of fatty deposits and drooping skin. Eyelid-lifting, gained popularity early this century, and since 1940's techniques have gradually improved to give much better results, with trauma.
Blepharoplasty is a delicate process, requiring considerable surgical skill, in which fat (sometimes excess skin and muscles) is removed from either the upper or lower lids, or both. The orbital sptum, the thin layer below the eyelid muscle that supports the soft fat sorrounding the eyeball, stretches with age. When this happens, the upper skin is pushed down and the lower-lid skin is pushed forwards. Because the hollows of the lids become shallower, less skin is needed for covering the eye. The excess skin may appear as loose folds, and loss of elasticity will also make it wrinkly.
Drooping brows can also cause a fold of loose skin to hang beyond the lid margin and interfere with your vision. Drooping upper lids are often an inherited characteristics. Although these changes to your eyes can make it look as if you have an enormous amount of expanded skin, this is largely an illusion. However, they can make you look tired.
The lower lids are more complex structures than the upper lids. Their function is to channel tears from the outer to the inner parts of the eye. Some people have excess skin and buldges due to fat pads pushing out from the skin. Removal of these fat pads is a delicate procedure and more complicated than just removing skin. Some people have several curved layers of skin which hang down from the lower lids like curtains, and this can be improved with blepharoplasty. However, if this is your problem, make sure your surgeon is experienced- the removal of too much skin from the lower lids can cause them to pull-down premanently.