Saturday, December 29, 2007

Tips For Dealing Stress For Your Health

Follow the "Get Stress Fit" plan for a healthier, more enjoable life. Here are 12 easy to remember tips on how you can bring stress fitness into your life. Keep them handy and review them often for your health.

G-ive yourself a break. Go for a walk; get a good night's sleep: get away from it all for good health.

E-at a healthy diet for good health.

T-alk it out for your good health.

S-pend time with family and friends for good health

T-ake a course-for fun or self-improvement for good health.

R-elax.. with a good book, great movie or your favorite music for good health.

S-et priorities.

S-chedule you time.

F-ind alternatives sources of satisfaction.

I-ncrease your awareness of what causes your stress.

T-ake action! Address the person or situation that's causing stress. And if you're still not sure how to manage, talk to your health care professional or contact the Heart and Stroke Foundation for more information (1-888-HSF_INFO)

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Monday, December 24, 2007

Coping Strategies To Keep Stress Fit

If you've answered in the same manner as below, you're already practicing some "Stress Fit" strategies. If not, you may want to review the situations and consider alternative strategies to keep Stress Fit that may help you live a good health and more enjoyable life.

Remember, there is no single Stress coping skill that will effectively help you manage your Stress in all situations or all the time. The best approach to Stress manegement is developing a flexible set of techniques that works for you as an indiviidual.

1. The first step to managing Stress is acknowledging the need for change. Take some quiet time to try to identify the source of your Stress. Continuing to deny a stressful situation can have serious long term effects on your heart health. (F)

2. Once you've identified what causes Stress in your life, it's important to find information on how to develop new skills or improve already existing ones. A certified professional can help for your health. (T)

3. A number of problems- an increase in heart rate and blood pressure, muscles tension, poor concentration, irritability, and sleep problems- can all be symptoms of excessive Stress in your life. Don't ignore these signs- they're your body's ways of telling you something wrong. See your doctor or Stress management specialist. This is very important for your health. (F)

4. You may feel that alcohol, smoking or other substances may numb your Stress and help you deal with a difficult situation. But any relief is only temporary, and this behaviour can only lead to additional problems for your physical and emotional health. (F)

5. Setting some priorities and being flexible about things that aren't critical can help you adapt to a particularly stressful time. Learn to manage your time and set realistic deadlines. This should be part of your overall Stress management plan for good health. (T)

6. Realize that there are equally rewarding sources of satisfaction available to you. You may want to look for inspiration in art, literature, philosophy or religion. Or simply spend time on the activities you enjoy. (T)

7. Stressful situations often present an opportunity for you to grow in your positive emotions and attitudes. These can include the ability to see the humour in your situation, to trust in your convictions, and to develop more confidence in the people close to you. (T)

8. Sometimes it may be necessary to re-examine your life goals to see if they still effectively reflect what you want out of your life or career. If they don't, maybe it's time to re-assess your goals and priorities. (T)

9. When you're under pressure or Stress you may be more irritable with the people closest to you. There are more positive ways of letting out the emotional and physical tension contributing to Stress. Try to avoid situations that are bound to be stressful, excercise to reduce tension or remove yourself temporarily from a situation. (F)

10. At times Stress can lead to feelings of anxiety or helplessnes. It's important to break the cycle of negative thoughts, by looking for ways to reduce Stress or cushion how much it disrupts your life. (F)

11. Talking to others can give you a fresh perspective on a stressful situation. Plus, friends and family can be valuable form of moral support when you need to feel good about yourself and very good for emotional health.(F)

12. Sometimes it's important to get some emotional distance from your daily hassle. Take on an activity that makes you temporarily forget what's going on. Enjoy yourself and have a good health. (T)

Merry Christmas to everyone..
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Thursday, December 6, 2007

Recovery From Facelift

After the Facelift surgery, you'll wake up to find your head wrapped in bandages with an opening fo the face. The Facelift bandage minimize bruising and swelling and help keep your head immobile. The Facelift surgeon will remove them after a day or so to have a looks and then re-dress the face. The suse of painkillers should be discussed with your Facelift surgeon because most can cause bruising, ASA (e.g. Aspirin) and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are likely to cause post-operative bleeding, so will be advised not to use them for 10 days after the Facelift surgery. Vitamin E and estrogen (e.g. the Pill, or HRT) are also contraindicated. Tylenol is considered safe.

Bruising and swelling after the Facelif is normal and gradually subside. Even the most severe swelling will subside by the third week. Some Facelift surgeon recommend keeping the head elevated for the first few days as bending ove or even letting the head drop forwards, may aggravate the swelling. Once the bandages are removed, you'll look pale, slightly bruised and puffy, and you may also have black eyes. The extent of the Facelift surgery will determine the extend of the bruising and how long it will last.

Facelift surgeon say it is normal to have some temporary numbness of the cheeks and around the aers. This is the result of the division of the sensory nerves during the surgery. Fortunately, the numbness wears of time as the nerves experience some regrowth and the brain adjusts to the change. The numbness usually disappears within six to 12 months, although some people experience it longer. Any stitches around the ears and under the chin will be removed after about five days. This is painless. The ones in the hairline will not come out for another weeks or so as this area takes longer to heal.

Scarring in Facelift procedure is inevitable, but skilles surgeons work is evident when the scars are not. Facelift surgeons generally aim to hide them in the facial creases around the ears and in the hair. Some Facelift sirgeons make the incision just inside the ear so the scar is out of sight. The scar can be places behind or in front of the ear; much will depend on whether the cheek skin colour matches the colour of the aer. The scar from facelift may sometimes "spread". This is called a hypertrophic scar, but is rare and caused by a peculiarity in the person's healing process. Hypertrophic scars occur more often in people with pigmented, elastic skin. The slowest scara to heal are usually the ones behind the ears, which may develop a sore, crusty or discoloured area for a few weeks. They may also shift or widen.

Facelift scars are usually pink to start with, fading to a white or pinky coloured line. They will aloso become softer and more supple over the following few weeks or months. All scars from Facelift don't fade, minor surgery and final result are unpredictable. If the scars from Facelift don't fade, minor surgery or steroid injections may improve them. Small hairless areas are sometimes appear next to the scra but can usually be hidden by hair. New hair growth starts after about three months, filling in these areas. You may find that the hair around the templates is thinner, and some may not grow back. If the temporal hairline has been lifted, your ears will be more exposed and you may have to change your hairstyle.

Most people after Facelift are back at work after two weeks, although the visible signs of Facelift surgery will still be evident until about the third week. Make-up may help camouflage some of the bruising, but if you have had the surgery around the eyes area you may need to avoid eye make-up for two to three weeks to avoid infections. Heavy work or exertion is not encourage for the first two or three as it could aggravate swelling and might pull on the stitches or scars. Avoid alcohol for several weeks as it increases swelling and the possibility of bleeding. You should also avoid sudden movements and any strain and stress for the first 10 days. Don't apply icepacks, or even cold water, to your face during the Facelift healing process.

THe are around the neck may feel tight at first, and facial movements after Facelift amy be slightly stiff, especially when you eat or talk, but these effects wear off after a couple of weeks.
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Saturday, December 1, 2007

Facelift Procedure And How Long It Last

Although the majority of Facelift Procedure in Canada are done under a local anesthetic with sedation, some doctors prefer to use a general anesthetic. In that case, you'll sleep through the Facelift surgery. This will be discussed with your cosmetic surgeon during your Facelift consulatation. The Facelift Procedure is performed in a surgeon's offece-based facility, an outpatient surgery centre or a hospital. Certain conditions such as diabetes or high blood pressure should be monitored after the Facelift surgery and may also require a short inpatient stay. The operation usually takes between two or five hours.

Immediately before the Facelift operation, your hair is pulled back and the incision sited are marked. A fine strip of hair will be trimmed along the incision lines. Your face is washed with an anti-bacterial solutio, and gauze is placed in your ears to keep out fluids.

The surgeon operated on one side if the face at a time. The Facelift insicion usually begins inside the hairline at the templates and then slopes down in front of the ear and around the earlobe until it reaches the nape of the neck at the back of the scalp. The skin is then lifted at the temples ans around the ears ans separated from the underlying fat and muscles. The Facelift or SMAS and muscles are tightened and the layers of underlying tissue are pulled up and back. Stitches are then used to secure the layers behind and above the ears, and the excess is cut off. The skin is drawn over the tightened layer of muscle and membrane, and then trimmed.

The Facelift stitches used to close the insicion are usually placed in front of, or just inside, the aer, behind the ear and in the hairline. For improvements in the neck region, a small insicion may be made during Facelift procedure under the chin so that excess fat can be removed and the platysma muscles tightened. These days many Facelift surgeons use liposuction to remove excess fat. If any blood begins to collect under the skin, a small drainage tube may be temporarily inserted in the back of the ear. Many Facelift surgeons prefer to use large, firm facial dressings for the first two days after the operation, which reduces bleeding and often the necessity for drains.

A skilled Facelift surgeon will make sure you retain a natural-looking hairline. ONe way of avoiding losing the hair that grows along the front of the ears by a short, horizontal cut below the sideburns. A natural-looking hairline is retained by lifting the skin back, but not up. The small scar can usually be hidden by the hair. Only a fine strip of hair is trimmed before the opration and it is this skin, clipped of its hair, which is removed during the Facelift opration. This means that afterwards there is little evidence of shaving or baldness along the oprating line.

How long will Facelift last?
This is a difficult question to answer because it depends on may factors. Ageing continue at its usual rate, but there isn't a specific predictable future time at which the benefits of a Facelift will be lost to the ageing process; neither does the face suddenly drop after a few years. For anyone undergoing a repeat Facelift, the usual period between oprations is about 10 years, but this very much depends on the individual.
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Saturday, November 24, 2007

Is Face-lift Right For You?

While there are no strict limit for a Face-lift, a cosmetic surgeon would consider you a good candidate if you had developed a saggy face and neck and had noticeably sun-damaged skin. There is a worrying trend in the US for younger women to seek Face-lift, which hasn't been actively discourage by plastic surgeons, Even in Canada, some surgeons are known to do "preventive" Face-lift, on women in their mid-30's. They say that the techniques have better long=term results and that someone who had one done at 30 would look 35 or 45. But most surgeons would advice against a Face-lift that was too early. They might recommend a chemical peel rather than the more extensive surgery a Face-lift entails. In fact, it might be worth checking out the non-surgical options that I will have on my future posts.. All can rejuvenate the skin more cheaply, safely and less painfully than a Face-lift. The majority of Face-lift are done on people aged between 40 to 65, with around 50 being the average age. About 10 percent of Face-lift patients are men.

More important than your age is the condition of your skin and unerlying bone structure. The skin should still have some elasticity, and the bone structure be strong and well defined before considering a Face-lift. Because facial skin is thin and has an excellent blood supply, it usually heals well, with almost invisible scars. However, certain medical conditions, such as uncontrolled high blood pressure or blood-clotting problems, may rule out surgery.

Smoking inhibits the flow of oxygen and blood to skin, which in turn affects how well the incision area heals. Some surgeons will not do Face-lift on smokers because of the increased chance of skin loos behind the ears. US studies have found that smoking was the major cause of serious wound-healing complications in a significant percentage of Face-lift patients. Anyone who smokes cigarettes and inhales is at least 12 times more likely than a non-smoker to have a longer healing period . So if you smoke, you should plan to give up at least three weeks before and after the surgery.

Facial Surgery or Face-lift should not be undertaken lightly. It calls for a thorough understanding of the procedures and realistic evaluation of what can or cannot expect. This is probably one of the most important consideration in judging whether or not you are suitable for a Face-lift. Anyone expecting a whole different look will be in for a big disappointment.

A Face-lift can only reverse some of the inevitable changes brought on by ageing. Physically, you will remain the same age and be subject to the same health conditions and limitations. If you are considering a Face-lift, you should discuss your goals with a surgeon to ensure your expectations are in line with the surgical reality. It is not uncommon to experience a feeling of "let-down" after a Face-lift, so if you are recently divorced or widowed and thinking about a Face-lift to help you feel better, it would be wise to give yourself some time to get back on your feet first.
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Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Things To Know Before Having A Face-lift

A Face-lift is technically known as a meloplasty (face-plastic) or rhytidectomy (wringle removal). The object of the Face-lift operation is to remove enough skin to make the face look younger. The skin is usually removed from the sides of the forehead, in front of and behind the ears and the upper back of the neck. Although Face-lift have been done for about 50 years in Canada, Face-lift was originally not much more than a "skin-lift". Face-lift has really only been in the last decade or so that asvances in surgical procedures have enabled people to have a more natural, less stretched look. Surgeons say that today Face-lift offers better longer-lasting results.

Eash Face-lift is highly individual operation, and the focus of the surgeon attention will vary with each person. The three basic areas that come in for attention are the upper face or brow area; the mid-face area, including the lines (or crow's feet) around the eyes and the nasolabial fold, which is the deep crease between the cheek and upeer lip; and the lower face, including a slack or jowly jawline and the fatty deposits and folds around the neck.

One of two important structures to play a major role in Face-lift surgery is the subcutaneous muscular aponeurotic system (SMAS). This layer, a combination of muscle and fibrous tissue, lies immidiately below the fatunderneath the skin of the face and neck. Underneath the SMAS is a space that aloows the facial tissues to gravitate downward with age, giving the face a jowly look. Until about 15 years ago, the space below the SMAS was never entered during Face-lift; then it was discovered that this area could be dissected to pull back the anchor of the muscles. Unfortunately a lot early SMAS surgery was overdone, resulting in a conspicuously tight look. Cosmetic surgeons today are more cautious but more tighten the SMAS to a degree , an operation they call a SMAS-lift.

The other important structure that forms the muscular parts of the SMAS is the platysma. This is the thin sheet of muscles extending from the collar-bone up the neck. The platysma is responsible for the cords that may show up in the neck and thay may also make the Adam's apple prominent.

Loss of elasticity in the sides of the brow stops the skin from recoiling after muscle contraction. This aloows the brows to droop at the sides, giving them an arched appearnce rather than the relatively straighter lines of youth. Extending a Face-lift high into the temple can compensate for the drooping side of the brow, providing the temporal hair can be aesthetically lifted.

The wrinkles on the lips and the ingrained ones at the corners of the mouth cannot be removed by a Face-lift, although the corner of the mouth can be helped by what is called an extended (or super) SMAS-lift, and some cosmetic surgeons use synthetic implants to smooth out lip wrinkles. Wrinkles around the eyes, or crow's feet, can be lessen to some extent by a separate procedure. A brow-lift can ease the wrinkles on the brow. However, some wrinkles will appear naturally when muscles move to animate the face. A Face-lift cannot restore elasticity, so it is impossible to eliminate wrinkles completely.

Some people, particularly those with active and strong pltysma muscles, may end up with "rearranged" neck skin. Muscles contraction causes a bow-stringing effect in which the skin is stretched across. When the skin is stretched in one direction, it automatically shortens in the other (like bias binding). But when the skinhas lost elasticity, it cannot spring back, shortening the dimension diagonally and lengthening it vertically. This results in a band of skin running from the chin to the lower neck. A Face-lift can reduce loose skin in the neck but cannot remove the creases in the neck, which are normal and present from childhood.

A Face-lift is often done in conjunction with other cosmetic procedures such as rhinoplastu, brow-lift, blepharoplasty, chin or cheek implants or liposuction (particularly in the neck area). However, there is a limit to the amount of time you can be kept comfortable on an oparating table, so the procedure of Face-lift may have to be done in two or three stages. The decision will depend on the complexity of the operation.
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Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Diabetes Awareness Month

Over two and a quarter million Canadians are estimated to have diabetes. This statistics is staggering, emphasizing the growing diabetes epidemic in this country. As yet, there is no cure for diabetes and the health care costs amount to approximately $9 billion a year. This reinforces the need for more research, education and prevention. While there is no cure for type 1 diabetes, type 2 diabetes, which makes up 90% of the cases, can be prevented or delayed by making healthy lifestyle choices.

Heathy Lifestyle Choices
Type 2 diabetes is preventable. With proper nutrition and physical activity, you can achieve a healthy weight, maintain it and minimize your risk of getting type 2 diabetes.

Be physically active-

Dr. Nick Busing from the College of Family Physicians of Canada once said, "Being physically inactive has the same impact on your health as smoking a pack of cigarettes each day". You cannot afford to be physically inactive. Health Canada remcommends getting 60 minutes of activity a day in periods of at least 10 minutes each. The exercise doesn't have to be strenuous. You can walk the dog for 20 minutes, vacuum for 10 minutes, rake the leaves for 20 minutes and play tag with your children for 10 minutes. The important thing is to make exercise part of your daily routine. Studies have suggested that the regular physical activity can reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes by 50%.

Proper Nutrition-

When it comes to healthy eating , small changes can make a difference.

  • Limit your intake of fat and sugar. This will help keep your cholesterol and other bloof fats in check.
  • Include a fruit or vegetables at each meal. Fruits and vegetables are low in calorie and high in vitamins.
  • Eat whole grain products to boost your fiber intake
  • Switch to low-fat dairy products. This will help lower your calorie and fat intake.
  • Eat beans and lentils more often. They are good source of protein and fibre.
  • Eat regular, balanced meals that include foods from the four food groups.\

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Sunday, November 11, 2007

Scoliosis For Kids

A simple blod test could determine whether a child will develop Scoliosis and to what extent. The predictive screeening test promises to radically change the treatment of idiopathic Scoliosis, the most common form of orthopedic deformity.

Causes of Scoliosis are largely unknown, but team from MOntreals Ste-Justine Univeristy Hospital Centre, led by Alain Morue, has established a link between adolescent Scoliosis and a flaw in the transmission of melatonin, a hormone that is involved in regulating bone metabolisn. So far, Moreau's test had proven effective in identifying the presence of a genetic marker in animals and in adult patients with the condition.

Eventually, this marker could predict the progression of Scoliosis in infants, Moreau says, opening the door to less invasives therapies, including nutrition counselling, physiotherapy, corrective back braces and drugs.
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Saturday, November 10, 2007

Soothing Psoriasis

Did you know that about 1 in 50 adults has Psoriasis, making it one of the world's most common skin condition, according to the Psoriasis Education Program.

Medications are the main treatment for psoriasis, says glow health's skin experts, Dr. Lisa Kellett, principal dermatologist at DLK on Avenue in Toronto. But certain lifestyle choices may also help lessen your symptomes.

What is Psoriasis?-
Psoriasis is a common skin condition that causes plaques, which are red patches with silvery scales, usually found on the elbows, knees and scalp. Psoriasis can range from mild ( just a few lesions to severe (covering a large area of skin on the body. Sometimes Psoriasis can affect the nails, causing pits in the nails or nail thickening.Psoriasis is a hereditary condition( if mom and dad have it, you'll likely get it), and can start at any age. While thee is no cure or way to prevent onset of the disease, treatment can clear it up for periods of time.

Treatment Options;
Treatment of Psoriasis usually starts with prescription topical steroids. People with a very severe case or Psoriasis of the nails may also be prescribed stronger oral or injectable medications. Light treatment is another option; A dermatologist may prescribe a medication that makes skin more sensitive to light and use UVA rays to suppress the rapid turnover of skin cells in Psoriasis. Typically, the light is done two or three times a week until the Psoriasis clears up. Since prolonged exposure to UVA and UVB rays can increase your risk of skin cancer, discuss the risks and benefits of light-treatment with your dermatologist.

Lifestyle Changes;
There are few options you can try to help ease the discomfort of Psoriasis. Though studies haven't been able to substantiate a relationship between Psoriasis and food, if you find that certain food or drinks, such as sugary foods or wine, worsen the condition, try to avoid them. Since stress can worsen the condition, try to find ways to limit or reduce stress, such as yoga and meditation.

Seasonal Relief;
Psoriasis plaques can get itchy, dry and irritated in the winter, when the air gets dryer. Keep your skin moist by using a humidifier in your home, cleanse your skin with a tar-based product instead of soap and apply a moisturizer, like petroleum jelly, regularly.
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Friday, November 9, 2007

Relationship And Self Development

Relationships- Sharing Your Experiences
All your life, people have been teaching you how to do things; ride a bike, read and write, drive a car, maintain a house. Now it's your turn , if you'll only take it. "Some people resist the idea of becoming mentors because it makes them feel like they've passed the baton- like they're now satellites rather than sun" says, Dr. Shirley Vandersteen, a registered psychologist in Edmonton. "But offering yourself to others is a different kind of fullfillment, and it can rev up your all over Health." Mentor students at community colleges in your area of specialty, young upstarts at professional associations, or even young people embarking on marriage.

Self-development- Reconnecting with your won interests
With the frenetic years behind you, you may wonder how to make the most of the added breathing space. "More and more women are coming to see mid-life as a creative second wind". says DR. Miroslava Lhotsky, co-author of The Healthy Boomer- A No-Nonsense Midlife Heath Guide for Women and Men (McLelland & Stewart, 1999). If your career has become a routine, doing the same work in a consulting or freelance capacity may recharge your battery.

Now is also the time to dice into a creative hobby- preferably one you've always been yearning to take up or resume- or, as Lhotsky puts it, "the hobby you never allowed yourself to pursue." So give that violin teacher or stained-glass instructor a call.

Knowing what your passion can be good for your mental health. Not sure what your passion is? Ask the people who know you well what they think it might be. Often, the answer is right infront of you.
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Thursday, November 8, 2007

Fitness- Refocusing Your Exercise Goals

Could that wonderful fitness routine you established for your health 10 years ago be getting scale? Whether it's swimming, jogging or cycling, the same old often ceases to inspire over time. Here's a thought: With no young kids to look after and less family responsibilities, you can finally join that fitness club you've been curious about with regards to your physical health. "It's a social experience," says Jill Barker, a fitness coordinator in the atlelics department at McGill University," and it's just the ticket for mid-life women in need of fitness inspiration." Local rec centres offer similar rewards- often at a fraction of the coast because you only pay for the individual classes you take.
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Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Drug Rehabilitation Center At Stone Hawk

Drug addiction can be found in many forms. A person can be addicted to alcohol, prescription drugs, inhalants, or other street drugs (cocaine, heroin, methamphetamines, etc.) that can deteriorate mental and physical health. Understanding the reasons people are initially attracted to this, can help stop future users from becoming an addicts. *Experimentation and curiosity are the first factors that draw many to especially young people.While this may lead to recreational use of drugs, it rarely leads to actual addiction. However, some drugs (like heroin) are more likely to cause addiction, resulting in an addiction from simple experimentation alone. *Athletes are susceptible to using drugs.*Others turn to drugs to cope with problems in their real lives. Whether it is past abuse (physical or sexual), school problems, work problems, or relationship issues, drugs can help a person temporarily escape the realities of life. *Peer pressure is also a factor in turning people into an addicts. Contrary to popular belief, peer pressure can happen at any age. Adults fall prey to peer pressure to fit into new social classes, new workplaces, and new neighborhoods.* Another one of addiction is using drugs to mask other mental health problems. Depressed people frequently use drugs to escape their sad feelings. Schizophrenics find that some street drugs can control their hallucinations. Denial and hiding the problem just lead to more problems in the long run.

Drug Rehabilitation in Stone Hawk know all about addiction, because they were once addicted. They deeply care about addicts, because someone made the effort to care about them. Stone Hawk stands by the Narconon® program, because the Narconon program worked for them while other programs failed. Toxins from the use of drugs and alcohol can remain trapped in fatty tissue for years causing the long period of an addiction. Drug detoxification program used at Narconon Stone Hawk is the "Narconon New Life Detoxification Program". This treatment has proven to be extremely effective because it removes toxins from the body, which is a very important step in the rehab process and regain the health of an addict. If not removed, these toxins will grow to a greater activity later in life that can create the cravings for drugs again. Stone Hawk drug treatment center in Michigan is new facility to provide help for more students. It is located at Albion, Michigan. Offering a 3-6 month residential treatment program.

Combine that with proper diet, exercise, and supplementation, and everybody's health can be totally drug free. Let them heal and learn how to save a life, and your family.
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Monday, November 5, 2007

Tips For Healthiest Year

  • Dry air, harsh winds and dehydrating heating system can all lead to skin that's severely parched. Be sure to soothe it with a skin-type-specific moisturizer.
  • It may seem like we never see the sun in these months, but it sure sees you! Stay deligent with SPF- your skin will thank you.
  • Split ends, brittle texture ans static? Make sure you treat your winter hair with deep-conditioning treatments.
  • The makeup that sailed you through summer may need to hibernate for a bit- for winter, try a lighter-toned foundation and start playing with more dramatic shades.
  • Counting the seconds til spring? Make a resolution this year to learn to love winter. Whether you finally learn to ice skate or treat yourself to gorgeous warm boots, the buds will bloom quicker if you're not watching them.
  • Not to sound like your mother, but wash your hands! Studies have shown us over over and over that it's the simpliest, most effective (and economical) way to stave off colds and flus. A good 20-second soapy scrub a few times a day will dramatically reduce the number oftimes you get sick.
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Sunday, November 4, 2007

Inhaled Powder For Diabetes

Thanks to a medical break-through, inhaled insulin may soon replace the before-meal injections for the estimated 600, 000 Canadians who take insulin injections.

Exubera, an inhaled powder form of recombinant human insulin, for the treatment of adult patients with Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes, has been approved for use in the United States. It is the first non-subcutaneous insulin delivery option introduced since the discovery of insulin in 1920s. The inhaled insulin is the focus of trials across Canada. One such trial at St. Joseph's Health Care, London is led by Dr. Irene Hramiak, who predicts it will be at least three years before Canada grants approval. Hramiak notes that a study by the Canadian Diabetes Association showed nearly half of patients with diabetes aren't at their target blood-sugar levels. If blood-sugar levels are not properly controlled, serious complications, including heart disease, kidney failure, blindness and nerve damage may develop.
source: RD Aug.2006
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Saturday, November 3, 2007

Walk And Get Active

GET ACTIVE > Staying active is a great way to feel good about yourself and to enjoy the freedom you get. Health Professionals outline three main types of fitness- cardiovascular fitness, musculoskeletal strenght, and flexibility- and this can all be helped by walking.

GET HEALTHY> Walking can improve your whole body considerably- helping you lose weight, strengthening your heart, muscles and bones, making you more flexible and boosting your immune system to fight off disease.

GET STARTED>Poise Walking Program is uniquely designed to help you get active and get healthy, and allow you to take back your freedom. It is easy to get started; just visit and download your free walking log. It features tips and information on starting a walking program, setting goals and reaching milestone. It also includes a six-week log that will allow you to keep a record of your daily achievements and long-term progress.
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Friday, November 2, 2007

Eating On The Go For Your Health

Sometimes it is dificult to eat nutrious meals when we are away from home and that can be harmful to our health. So I gathered some tips for eating on the run

Travel tips
Major airlines and train services offer light and meals that is good for your health if you request them in advance. If you are a frequent traveller, make arranging for healthy meal a routine part of your travel plannin.

  • Choose the continental breakfast of fruit, bread and jam over eggs and sausage.
  • Eat bread, without butter or margarine
  • Choose milk for coffee
  • Scrape extra sauce from the entree
  • Avoid deserts

Fast Food
Although many items offered are high in calorie and fat, your choices make all the difference.

  • Opt for a regular humburger over double patties and cheese/bacon combos; a regular slice of pizza over double cheese or extra bacon.
  • Choice charcoiled chicken over breaded and fried; a taco instead of a burger; chili for a change
  • Request no sauce or mayonaise when placing an order
  • Drink juice, 1% or 2% milk instead of a milk shake
  • Low-calorie salad dressings cut fat significantly
  • Ceral, low-fat English muffins with jam, or pancakes with syrup only are all better choices than egg/sausage/cheese breakfast sandwiches
  • Skip fat-laden fast food pies, turnovers, cookies, and ice cream bars.

Sandwiches to go
To order a custom-made sandwich good for your health, ask for;

  • Whole wheat bread, bun, or bagel
  • Mustard or horsedish
  • Lean meat fillings: ham, roast beef, chicken, or turkey
  • Vegetarian sandwiches with your favorite veggies; avoid cheese and mayonaise to save fat.

Frozen entrees to go
Packing microwaveable frozen entrees for lunch can be a convinient way to eat healthy. Look for;

  • Packages that have a Health check logo
  • Entrees that offer a variety of ingredients ( vegetables, pasta, lean cuts of meat)
  • The Nutrition Facts table on packages to help you choose products with less saturated and trans fat and less sodium.

For more information visit www.

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Friday, October 26, 2007

Stay Active For Your Health This Winter

I always make a commitment to eat healthy and exercise at least 3 times a week. I try not to let winter prevent me from keeping my commitment to stay active for my health. The cold, ice and snow may prevent me from taking my daily walk or keep me from riding my bike, but doesn't mean I should sit at home waiting for spring and let my health be eaten by the cold weather.

It may be cold outside, but inside the gym or inside our house is warm and there is so much things to do for an easy-on-the-joints, like hiking a challenging trail. I try to stay socially active too esp at the church aside from the internet. I need to exercise my mind and spirit f as much as my body's health aspect. I look for activities that will keep me socially active. Winter is an ideal time to take a course, learn a new hobby, or volunteer for a cause or community event. I look for opportunitties where I can share my skills or where I can learn new ones. An engaging social life will keep me connected and help me stay motivated. Regular activity is good for joint's health. Low impact, weight-bearig activities such as walking or cycling are ideal for exercising and strengthening your joints and muscles. Stay active and enjoy life.
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Natural Health Ease Pain

You're sitting at a desk most of the day, stressing out at the office, then watching TV while slumped on the couch in the evening- and what do you get? A pain in the neck.

If you suffer from shoulder or neck pain, you have a common conditon. The neck and shoulder girdle are the extremely mobile, with less stability than other areas of the body. Both the shoulder joint and the neck rely heavily on sorrounding muculature to provide support and stability. When these muscles are improperly used (bad posture) or overused (shoulder lifted because of stress), pain and tighness are inevitable.

Relief for neck and shoulder tensions brought on by stress or poor posture is simple. Working with a skilled fitness, Pilates or yoga professional will lead you to better posture and improved body awareness. Many health-care-providers, community services and natural health magazines offer information on specific approaches to stess relief.
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Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Compression Bra Reduces Breast Pain After Surgery

Wearing a specialized compression bra significally reduces women's breast pain following open-heart surgery, a national clinical trial at the University of Calgary has found. The study is the first to provide scientific data that a supportive undergarment of this type is safe, effective and can be worn almost immediately after cardian surgery.

"Women who wore the bra after the surgery had a great deal less pain and discomfort in their breast," says lead researcher Dr. Kathryn King. Unlike conventional bras, the postoperative fastens in the front, doesn't have any metal clasps that can interfere with x-rays, provides extra compression and can be adjusted to accomodate changing breast sizes that sometimes occur after surgery. Women with large breast, in particular, often encounter difficulties in their recovery, Kings says, so they will likely benefit the most. About one third of all cardiac surgeries are performed on women.

Source: April2007 Reader's Digest
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Sunday, October 21, 2007

Antibiotic For Infants Can Develop Asthma

Babies treated with antibiotic before their first birthday are twice likely as antibiotic free infants develop asthma, according to researchers at the University of British Columbia in Vancouver. And the risk of developing the chronic lung desease grows each time a baby is given one of the drugs.Data from eight studies which included more than 12,000 children- found children were up to 2.9 times more likely to develop asthma if they had given an anitbiotic before the age one.

In a second analysis, involving more than 27,000 children, the B.C team found a 16-percent increase in risk of each additional course of antibiotics given to children. Asthma is now one the the most sommon chronic disease of childhood. About ten percent of children in Canada have it, and about ten children and 300 adults die every year from asthma, according to the Public Health Agency.

Source: July 2007 Reader's Digest
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Thursday, October 18, 2007

Avoiding Vaccines For Religion

I really think that it depends on a persons way of thinking on whether they should take vaccine or not. But some use their religion just to avoid vaccines is one wrong doing or anykind. However there are some people who just beleive that vaccines will not make any difference on a person's health.

She is among a small but growing number of parents around the country who are claiming religious exemptions to avoid vaccinating their children when the real reason may be skepticism of the shots or concern they can cause other illnesses. Some of these parents say they are being forced to lie because of the way the vaccination laws are written in their states. read more

The most ambitious attempt to engineer a vaccine against malaria has cleared another key hurdle, with tests among African babies showing the prototype to be safe and highly protective, a study released on Wednesday said. read more

I really think that parents with any kind of religion should be aware of the benefits of vaccination for their children's health. read more
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Paid To Blog Your Thoughts

I just can't believe that this new blog about health, fitness and science can earn money by blogging. Oh's true that Blogsvertise approved this blog to review sites of their client and I want to thank Blogsvertise for the trust. I made this blog to post informations about fitness, health or anything about science that I find interesting to share. So I am very much excited to post a review on this topic with Blogsvertise

Blogsvertise is a paid to advertise site. They have advertisers that want bloggers to mention and talk about their websites products and services in our blogs and journals. They want the publicity, the exposure, the Buzz! that online bloggers and internet journals can generate for their web site products and services. In exchange blogsvertise pays bloggers in paypal per task/blog entry, for writing / talking about / mentioning their website in our blog!

Visit their website at and be paid by blogging your thoughts and opinion.
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Sunday, October 14, 2007

Job Depression

Women were more likely than men to have had a major bout of depression, and younger workers had higher rates of depression than their older colleagues. Almost 11 percent of personal care workers -- which includes child care and helping the elderly and severely disabled with their daily needs -- reported depression lasting two weeks or longer. During such episodes there is loss of interest and pleasure, and at least four other symptoms surface, including problems with sleep, eating, energy, concentration and self-image. Just working full-time would appear to be beneficial in preventing depression. The overall rate of depression for full-time workers, 7 percent, compares with the 12.7 percent rate registered by those who are unemployed.

Source: Yahoo
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Saturday, October 13, 2007

Morphine Painkillers

Moderate, long-term use of opioid pain medications such as morphine does not impair a person's driving ability, U.S. researchers report. The findings suggest that patients who require long-term pain medication may "become tolerant" to side effects that could potentially impair function, said researcher Dr. Asokumar Buvanendran, an associate professor in the anesthesiology department at Rush.

Opioid pain relievers carry warning labels urging patients not to drive or operate heavy machinery while taking the medications, and drivers under the influence of pain drugs are typically subject to the same laws and penalties as people who drink and drive.

According to Buvanendran, this study's findings suggest that patients on long-term pain medication may be able to live "like normal functioning people, without the stigma and limitations now associated with long-term pain medication use."

source: Yahoo Health Day
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Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Bad marriages hurt the heart

A lousy marriage might literally make you sick. Marital strife and other bad personal relationships can raise your risk for heart disease, researchers reported Monday.
What it likely boils down to is stress — a well-known contributor to health problems, as well as a potential byproduct of troubled relationships, the scientists said.
In a study of 9,011 British civil servants, most of them married, those with the worst close relationships were 34 percent more likely to have heart attacks or other heart trouble during 12 years of follow-up than those with good relationships. That included partners, close relatives and friends.
The study, in Monday's Archives of Internal Medicine, follows previous research that has linked health problems with being single and having few close relationships. In the new study, researchers focused more on the quality of marriage and other important relationships.

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Saturday, October 6, 2007

Believe In Yourself

I got this from my work's bulletin board and it is indeed very true .

It sounds like a cliche but not all of us lives our lives this way. If you want to be confident think positive. Chances are you've avoided confrontations at one time or another. Often people do so because they feel insecure. They talk themselves out of healthy discussions because they focus on their nagative traits. I'm shy, her personality is stronger. I'll get eaten alive. I'll shake like a leaf and have no credibility. Lack of self confidense also prevent us from taking the healthy risks, everything from public speakingto hosting social gatherings.
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Friday, October 5, 2007

What Is Asthma?

Asthma is a lung condition that affects the airways (bronchial tubes) into your lungs, causing the tissues lining the airways to swell and become narrow making it difficult to breathe. The symptoms associated with asthma (coughing, wheezing and shortness of breath) are the result of this narrowing of the airways. The major factors contributing to asthma are inflammation of the airway lining and tightening of the muscles that wrap around the airways (bronchoconstriction). Inflammation of the airways may also be accompanied by an increase in mucus production which also worsens the blockage of the airways. The ongoing inflammation associated with asthma makes the airways highly sensitive to irritants in the air such as air pollution, cigarette smoke or animal dander.

Asthma is a variable disease, which means symptoms can flare up from time to time.
When the highly sensitive airways become too narrow, this obstructs the flow of air in and out of the inflamed lungs, making breathing difficult and leading to asthma symptoms, including wheezing, shortness of breath, coughing, and chest tightness. This is known as an asthma attack or asthma exacerbation. Asthma is a variable disease. This means you might go for weeks or even months without experiencing any symptoms.

The best way to free yourself from asthma symptoms is to keep your asthma well controlled. Control means that your airways are not as sensitive to the allergens or irritants that can trigger an asthma attack. When your asthma is well controlled, you can lead a normal, healthy life with few symptoms and no days lost from work or school. An effective way of controlling your asthma is to have an asthma action plan. If you don't already have one, ask your doctor about asthma action plan. It should include: how to recognize when it's getting better or worse, how much you can change the amount of medication you take, and when you should adjust the amount of medication you take. Having an asthma action plan can help you be free from asthma symptoms.

Asthma symptoms can range in severity from mild to very severe. They can also fluctuate in terms of frequency, vary from person to person, and change from one attack to another. Symptoms may also occur more frequently at night or in the early morning.

Common symptoms of asthma include:
shortness of breath
chest tightness
difficulty breathing
chest pain
If you're not sure if your asthma is under control, click here to take the Asthma Control Challenge.

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Wednesday, October 3, 2007

I Feel So Weak

i feel so weak and sad, so afraid and i dont know how to lift my spirit up. but i am trying so hard to accept the fact that i cannot do anything about it but accept my destiny. i sometimes feel tired of life that i want to go with him but my kids are still young to be left in this world without a mother. thinking that my husband will marry another woman just breaks my heart for my children. i may sound so negative but that's the fact that is so hard for me to face.
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Tuesday, October 2, 2007

I am Sick And Scared

i am sick and i am scared. i want to be strong but i am just human i hope everything will be just fine because i am not ready to leave my daughters for now. i search on the internet what kind of desease is this. it may not be that scary but it is still a desease. it is possible for me to have surgery again and again...

Pseudomyxoma peritonei, is a very rare type of cancer that usually begins in your appendix as a small growth, called a polyp. Or more rarely it can start in other parts of the bowel, the ovary or bladder. This polyp eventually bursts through the wall of your appendix and spreads cancerous cells to the lining of the abdominal cavity (the peritoneum). These cancerous cells produce mucus, which then collects in the abdomen as a jelly like fluid called mucin.

Pseudomyxoma peritonei does not act like most cancers and does not spread in any of these ways. It spreads along the internal surfaces within the abdomen, rather than into nearby tissues of the bowel or liver. The mucus collects in the peritoneum and causes symptoms. It may be many years before you have any symptoms from this type of cancer.

You are most likely to have surgery to treat this type of cancer. There are two tupes of surgery
Debulking surgery
Complete tumour removal
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Sunday, September 30, 2007

More Links

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Saturday, September 29, 2007

Hate The Company

too many hang ups. so hypocrite! i hate her. i want her out of my site. i hate pretending that i like her company... the other one is soooooo intrigator...she is a fault finder as if she is perfect. ahhhhh sooooo ugly....the other one is such a dwarfy, hate everything around her.. what do u expect? she have a terrible life.. good for her.. wonder where can i find a good company?
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