Friday, December 31, 2010

Two Exercise Videos For Variety Of Movement

Today I received these two exercise videos I orderd from Collage Videos last week. It's only one week for delivery and I really think they have an awesome delivery service.I am excited to start learning the moves and just have fun with it in a couple of days. I wanted to really have a variety of exercise videos so my body will not get used to doing the same kind of moves every week. I want to make sure, I am doing different moves everyday, and changing it every week.I still have about 3 videos left to order and I might ordered them sometime next...
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Thursday, December 30, 2010

Bulky Look Due To Sweets

I am starting to feel like going back to work because I feel like I am starting to look bulky again for eating too much sweets and carbs. However, my weight is almost the same. I have probably gained 2 to 3 pounds but I am not so worried about it because I can easily loose it once I start working again. I am more worried about the bulk I am getting because of eating too much sweets. I need to avoid eating carbohydrates and sweet foods or I will go back to the BIG ME!! I need to go back to wor...
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Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Adding More Time To Workout

I want to eat at Max Restaurant today. I know this is going to add up to the calories that I am trying to avoid. But geeeee, I am really craving to taste the food there. lols...I might just add more time to my workout everyday and avoid carbohydrates so I won't look bulky on my upper body. My upper body is the first part to get bulk everytime I gain weig...
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Monday, December 27, 2010

Second Thought of Buying Treadmill

My weight is still the same but I feel so guilty keep eating unhealthy food for a couple of days now and it is getting worst now that I am just at home. I have to stop these habit or I will gain all the weight that I lost. I need to loose weight even if I am on vacation. I know it is impossible to do it but I will try my best.We were suppose to buy the treadmill at Walmart this morning because it is on sale. But kids discourage me because we have no more space at home. So I had a second thought buying it. Beside, I want to make sure that we have...
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Sunday, December 26, 2010

Dancing And Running During Vacation

Sometimes, looking or seeing those pictures of your old friends or classmates whose figure are still very much the same as we were young makes me more inspired to loose more weight. I know it will be hard to loose weight while on holiday vacation but I will realy try. Or otherwise, continue my weight loss early next year when there is no more parties and with my busy schedule.Seeing her picture made me want to buy a treadmill so I can do my run at home in the afternoon, and my dance with abs workout during in the morning. I really think being more...
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Saturday, December 25, 2010

Hard To Loose Weight During Holiday

I have been eating a lot for the past few days and I really feel guilty about it. Tomorrow I will make sure not to eat any carns and focus on eating veggies and fruits and small portion of meat. Then I will do a lot of exercise.It's hard to do exercise two times a day because everybody is using the TV in the basement. I can only do my dance exercise early in the morning because everybody are still sleeping. If I only have the treadmill at home, then I can do at least 15 minutes run in the afternoon.I wanted to loose weight even if I am on my holiday...
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Friday, December 24, 2010

Two Exercise Videos

I just ordered two exercise videos from my wishlist.Kelly Coffey's 30 Minutes to Fitness: Kickboxing- Kelly Coffey-Meyer shows perfect form in these no-nonsense, calorie-blasting combos (“it’s only 30 minutes; there’s no time for frilly choreography”). While not complex, the upper and lower-body combinations are varied and always changing. Every two minutes, you’ll learn a pattern, practice/execute it … then move on to something new. The moves range way beyond standard jabs and kicks. Kelly mixes “shuffle jab combos” and “fast five punches” with...
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Friday, December 17, 2010

Weight Loss Goal During Holiday

I have been eating a lot for a couple of days now. I need to watch the food and the amount of food that I am taking this weekend. I still have one more Christmas party to attend in few days from now, so I need to watch my diet so I won't gain weight.I will try my best to continue loosing weight even if I am on my Holiday Vacation. This I can do if I will continue to watch what I eat and continue being active.I need to buy my own treadmill so I can continue my workout even at home during my holiday vacation. But I am not sure yet if our budget can...
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Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Focus On Health

I only did 15 minutes abs exercise yesterday and I wasn't able to run at the gym last night because I feel so tired that I need to go back to bed for another extra 30minutes on bed. I felt more energized and I wasn't that sleepy driving back home this morning. I did some household chores yesterday and I guess I have to blame myself from spending more time in facebook. I feel some kind of extra attention feeling that my hubby's xgf is staring at my fb like what I am doing to hers. I guess I was trying to figure out if she is still interested with hubby. or who she really is? I know it's so weird of me and I really need to change my way of thinking on this. However, I figure out that she is not...
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Sunday, December 5, 2010

Choose The Best Weight Loss Diet Pills

The fitness advisor at our gym advice me to take variety of exercise to continue to loose weight. Our body get used to the activities that we do, that's why we will notice that even if we keep doing the same exercise and eating the right food, our body slows down in loosing weight. This is the reason why I buy a lot of different exercise videos.But if you are trying to loose weight faster, taking a weight loss pills may be a good idea. However, you need to find the best weight loss diet pills so you won't be taking any poisonous ingredients inside...
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Saturday, December 4, 2010

Two Exercise Videos

I finally received the two recent exercise videos that I ordered online. I was so tired from last nights overtime so I wasn't able to try to dance with these two new exercise videos.Tamilee Webb's Abs, Abs, AbsSeven different abdominal programs — Tamilee’s all-time favorite ab workouts re-edited from her earlier productions. The variety is super-motivating. Each day of the week, you get different moves, styles and settings. The moves range from classic curls and crunches to newer rotational, balance and Pilates routines. Mostly floorwork, Tamilee...
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Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Proven Effective Weight Loss

I am so happy with all the weight that I lost. I feel so great and more energized, in and out. I feel like it's a whole new me. It's changed so much in me not only on th eoutside, but more on the inside. My outlook with my everyday life changes as if, I look on everythings so light and full of joy.The weight loss challenge that I joined at my work has still two more weeks to go. Whether I win or not, Iam so happy with the great motivation I got from joining this game. I lost so much weight in no time.My weight loss journey doesn't end two weeks...
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Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Joining The Weight Loss Challenge

The main reason why I joined the weight loss challenge at work is simple because, I want to keep myself motivated to loose weight. Now that I am continously loosing weight, and I am on the leading position, I feel like I really want to win this fun game. Not only that I can have few bucks, but I am already feeling great, more energized and se...
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Monday, November 22, 2010

Discount Uniform Scrubs Online

Is it too late for me to study and work as a nurse or medical staff someday. I am sometimes thinking of going back to school and live my present job. Because, after 8 years working on the same company and doing the same kind of work everyday, makes me so tired. I guess because I don't like what I do at work.I really think working in a medical field is a hard but very rewarding job. You get to help a lot of sick people. I am happy that today's nurses uniforms have changed over the years, when nurses have to wear a very conservative white uniforms....
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Sunday, November 14, 2010

Fun and Easy Abs Exercise

Wow!!! This Jennifer Gallardi's Latin Fat Blasting Dance really work on my abs and the rest of my body. It is only 38 minutes but I am sweating like a pig. All the moves really focused on the core area and I didn't even noticed how hard my abs have been working since it's so much fun. Time flies and I never noticed that I just work on my abds for more than 30 minutes.I really love almost all Jennifer Gallardi's workout dvd. It's very easy to follow, slow movement but will give your body a total workout with so much fun. You will not only have a...
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Saturday, November 13, 2010

Wrong Dance Exercise Videos

I already recieved the 3 dance exercise videos that I ordered last week. However, they send me that the hip hop party instead of the hip hop cardio by Jennifer Gallardi. I already let them know their mistake so they will send me the correct video with the self stamp envelop so I can send them the worng video at no charge to me. I am so disaapointment because I am so excited to learn the hip hop cardio moves from the video. But that's okey, I am still having fun learning all the moves with all the videos that I ordered. I still have 5 videos on...
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Friday, November 5, 2010

Finding Fun Exercise

I am so freaking addicted to this dance exercise videos particularly the hip hop dancing. I just purchased another 3 dance videos and I am not even done mastering all the new videos that I ordered. I can't wait to try learning all the dance moves on these three new videos that I ordered. Who said that exercising is boring? Maybe to some, exercise is boring but if you will just find some activities that you can have fun doing everyday, you'll find yourself always looking forward for another day to start exercising. I find hip hop dancing so fun...
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Thursday, November 4, 2010

Weight Lifting Workout After Loosing Weight

I am so happy with the progress of my weight loss. I am continously loosing weight which is making me more motivated to loose more. I am thinking of reaching a size 8 clothes.Since I already lost a lot of weight, I will start doing some weight lifting workout particularly on my core area. I will be inclusing 10 minutes belly workout every after dance workout. This will make me more active than usu...
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Saturday, October 30, 2010

Run and Dance For Weight Loss

Yay, wasn't able to do my dance exercise today and I've been eating a lot of sweets.. Ngeee... But it's okey, ...Weekend is my free day!! and beside, I did a long dance yesterday with Jennifer Gallardi's Hip Hop party video. I will make sure to dance with Petra Kolberg's Just Dance video tomorrow..I will increase the time of my run at the gym starting tomorrow. Maybe for another 3 minutes. I think my body is ready for this. This is going to be a long preparation for my run next year. I will do my outdoor run until I burn as many fats as I c...
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Friday, October 29, 2010

Sweating The Weights Off While Having Fun

I finally completed dancing the whole video of Jennifer Gallardi's Hip Hop Party. I am sweating to death before the dvd end. Time flies and I had so much fun while sweating off fats. The steps are fun and easy to follow. Few days of practice and I am pretty sure that I can master the steps and start enjoying the moves while sweating those pounds off.It's truly motivating to exercise when you're having fun with what you are doing. I didn't regret buying these kinds of exercise videos. It's all worth the time and money. I always look forward each...
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Thursday, October 28, 2010

Confusing But Fun Kickbox Workout

I have fun with Jeantte Jenkins Kickbox Party video yesterday. The choreography was a little confusing, mixing the kickbox from some sexy dance moves. The sequence of each segments is quite confusing, but I have fun with some of the moves.I will give it for another 3 to 4 times to see if I will still find it confusing. It maybe because it was my first time to do her moves. But in fairness, I want to memorize some of her steps that find so fun. The sequence of each segment is quite messy but fun to workout with!!This is a good start to start a kickboxing...
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Friday, October 22, 2010

Outdoor Run Next year

I didn't run on the treadmill last night at work's gym because I feel so exhusted. I think my body is adjusting to this new activity. I couldn't sleep because my tummy keeps starving. So I ate some carbs and it made me fall asleep right away. This is probably the reason why I only lost few pounds when I was weigh during our weekly weight watch at work.Few pounds lost will not discourage me to continue what I am doing to loose more weight. Infact, I am running on the treadmill now to prepare my body because I am planning to do an outdoor run starting...
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Wednesday, October 20, 2010

First 10 Minutes Treadmill Run

Last night, I started doing 10 minutes run on the Treadmill at the gym at work. This is my first time to use the treadmill at the gym. I just tried it because of the request of a friend, and also to see if I will like it. So far, I like it.. But I will find it boring to do it for more than 15 minutes. So I just started it at 10 minutes just to give my metabolism a boost and burn more fats. Dance Exercise is more fun!! I will run outside on summer next year to make sure that my energy will stay on the same level even if I dont use the treadmill...
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Sunday, October 17, 2010

4 Dance Exercise Videos For My Weight Loss

I finally ordered 4 Dance Exercise Video at I love their fast service that's why I ordered again. I can't wait to learning all the moves and sweating my fat away from these 4 Dance Exercise Video.First is by Petra Kolberg. I cant wait to start dancing with on this video. "It's fluid series of not-too-complicated dance combos. It’s perfect for “non-dancers” —Petra always starts with a basic movement, then smoothly blends in the more challenging patterns. For example, a simple march may end up as a “six-count mambo with a rock step...
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Friday, October 15, 2010

Fast Delivery Abs Exercise Videos

I finally received the two abs exercise videos that ordered online last weekend. I am so suprised how fast the delivery is. I will be ordering my next exercise videos on this website again soon. For the meantime, I will have fun with these two abs exercise videos while I am saving money for another set of exercise videos. I am so excited to start doing them and see how it work on my abs while I am loosing weight.I am thinking of buying 4 Dance Workout Videos of Hip Hop, and latin. I need a variety of video exercises at home to keep me motivated...
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Thursday, October 14, 2010

Smart Change Of Lifestyle To Loose Weight

I am happy with the weight loss diet that was given to us at the "weight loss challenge" at my work, because I can still eat all the food that I want to eat and still continue to loose weight. Funny but some people think that I am not on a diet anymore because they can still see me eating food like carbs.I really think loosing weight is a smart change of lifestyle and some people don't realize that. They do their diet by removing all the foods that they love to eat that will make them fat and crave themnselves to death. They eat less and less only to find themselves gaining more weight when they start adding the amount of food that they eat. Ahh it is all about MODERATION and eating more food...
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Saturday, October 9, 2010

Ab Toning Exercise Videos

I just purchased two abs toning videos online few minutes ago. I need a lot of new abs exercise videos since my main problem is on my mid section. I only have two abs exercise videos that I always use and I really think doing different moves will make my toning more effective.Five 10 to 13-minute segments, they each use a different ab-tightening technique. To maximize variety — and to fit your busy schedule — the DVD lets you play the segments in any order. The standing section works your abs as it warms you up for the following exercises. The...
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Saturday, October 2, 2010

10 Weeks Weight Loss Challenge

I already lost 9 pounds in 3 weeks doing the 7 days diet with the vegetable diet soup. I thought of stopping the diet after loosing about 6 to 7 more pounds but when I joined the "10 weeks weight lost challenge" at work, I was adviced that I need to loose 10 to 15 more pounds.My face still looks the same after loosing 9 pounds which is quite unusual. Loosing a lot of weight usually makes people look old because the skin looses it's mass. But since I am undergoing a 4 series of laser treatment for my acne scars, which is skin tightening, I thought of pursuing to loose this much weight and see if my facial skin will sag.The 7 days diet with the vegetable diet soup is sooo effective and too fast...
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Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Happy Weight Loss

I am so happy that I am continously loosing weight. About 7 to 8 more pounds to go, and I am done with my 7 days diet. How will I maintain my weight? I will eat the food that I always want to eat, but always in MODERATION and always make sure to eat more foods rich in fiber.There are so many ways to maintain the weight. My weight may go up but I just have to make sure that it won't go up to more than 5 pounds like I had after my last surgery. Happy weight loss and feel grea...
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Saturday, September 25, 2010

Eating Food While On Diet

I lost another 3 pounds doing 5 days of the 7 days diet. I am broke the plan because it's the weekend. It's realy hard to control eating the food that I love to eat during the weekend, but I will make sure that I will eat everything in moderation. I will start the 7 days diet again this week with friend's request. I might do this diet from Monday to Friday until I reach my weight goal. At least I won't deprive myself eating food that I love to eat during the weekend. I will just eat in moderation to keep loosing weight, plus make sure to sweat oft...
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Monday, September 20, 2010

2nd 1st Day Of The 7 Days Diet

Last night I started another 1st day of the 7 days diet. I really hope to loose more weight this time since I am more focus and inspired. I am doing this 7days diet together with some ladies at work, and I hope we can all get something by the end of the week.I did a lot of cheating the last time I did this 7 days diet. I can not promise that I won't cheat this time but I will try my best not to, so I can loose more weight this ti...
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Saturday, September 11, 2010

Rest From Weight Loss Diet

I will be off fro my diet this week and will resume my 7 days diet the following week. But that doesn't mean that I can eat like a pig. I will make sure to keep loosing weight slowly by watching the food that I eat and it's portion, plus continue doing my regular exercise.I have to wait for a friend to have the 7 days diet with me because she also wants to loose some weight faster. She also have tried this 7 Days diet with the Vegetable Diet Soup before, so she knows how effective it was. It's hard but it all worth it.For the meantime, I will...
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Friday, September 10, 2010

Ruined 5th Day of The 7 Days Diet

I didn't survive the 5th day of my 7 days diet. Everything was ruined and I feel bad about it. !! But I will try my best to continue avoiding fatty foods and foods rich in carbohydrates this coming week, while resting for one week and preparing for another week of 7 days diet.It's really hadr for me to go on a diet during the weekend because it feels so good to eat with my fami...
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5th Day Of The 7 Days Diet

I survive the 4th day of the 7 days diet eating only banana and milk plus the vegetable diet soup. I started the 5th day of the 7 days diet soup early yesterday, eating only chicken or beef with tomotoe. But I haven't eaten the vegetable diet soup yet. Hoping I will have the will to make another batch of the vegetable diet soup before the end of the day. I am starting to hate the taste of eat and thinking of not including it on the last 3rd days of the 7 days diet.Anyway, I already have the energy to do my regular exercise since I have eaten some...
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Thursday, September 9, 2010

4th Day of & Days Diet

I survive my 3rd day of 7 days diet eating only fruits and veggies plus the vegetable diet soup. I already started my 4th day eating only banana and milk plus the vegetable diet soup.Last night I have to eat banana yogurt in replacement of milk because I dont want to be going in and out of the washroom because of drinking too much milk. So since I am off from work today, I will be drinking milk and continue eating banana until 12midnight. I already lost 5.5 pounds and looking forward to loose more so I can start wearing my old jeans. I am happy...
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Wednesday, September 8, 2010

3rd Day Of 7 Days Diet

I survive my 2nd day of my 7 days diet eating only veggies plus the vegetable diet sopu. I am now on my 3rd day of my 7 days diet and have started it last night at work, eating veggies and fruits. I was a bit dizzy yesterday and couldn't sleep after I pick up my kids at school. Then when I weigh myself, I lost an instant 4 pounds. It freaks me out and I admit that I got a little bit scared loosing this much weigh in two days. So I cheat and eat about 45 squid balls and my dizziness was gone.Today I also cheated eating about 3 squid balls because I don't want to loose that much weight again too fast. I will not do my exercise today and see if I will still loose weig...
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Tuesday, September 7, 2010

2nd Day Of My 7 Days Diet

I survive the 1st day of my 7 days diet, eating only fruits and the vegetable diet soup. Today is my second day of my 7 days diet and I have started eating vegetable only with the vegetable diet soup, last night at work.After I drop my kids to school, I will go straight to the grocery store to buy about 4 dishes of vegetable salad which I will eat until tomorrow. I will defintely finish this 7 days diet plan to completely clean my system so the weight loss will be faster and healthier. Looking forward wearing some of my old jeans so...
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Monday, September 6, 2010

First Day Of My 7 Days Diet

Today is the first day of my 7 days diet with the vegetable diet soup. My will is so strong that I am very much ready finish the diet until the 7th day. I really hope to loose not less than 5 pounds until Sunday with a maximum of 10 pounds. I want to see a different me by October.I am eating only fruits and the Vegetable Diet Soup today. I started my day eating watermelon and one bowl of the vegetable diet so...
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Sunday, September 5, 2010

Mind Set For Weight Loss

My mind is set to start the 7 days strict diet. I cannot promise I wont cheat, but I will definitely finish the diet in 7 days. This diet will not only can speed up the metabolism but it will also clean the system making the weight loss faster and healthy. I just need this 7 days diet and after this, everything will be just maintenance.I need to loose weight by October or at least before the laser treatment starts to take effect and my skin starts to tighten. Then I will see if I need to have Juvederm treatment on some part of my face. Waaaaaa,...
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Friday, September 3, 2010

Vain For Beauty

I am not loosing weight.. Or even if I do, it is very slow..So I really need to start the 7 days strict diet with the Vegetable Diet Soup. I will start it on Monday and finish it by Sunday. I am crossing my fingers that I can do it religously, so I will loose the 10 lbs that I have been wanting to get rid off.I need to loose 10 lbs before October after the result of the first laser treatment for my acne scars. I need to see if I need to add the loss volume on some part of my face after loosing weight while waiting for the improvement of my skin...
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Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Desperately Need To Loose Weight

I am so desperate to loose weight because the laser treatment will start soon. I need to loose 10 lbs by October so I will decide if I will need a Juvederm treatment. I will try to start the 7 days strict diet next week and hopefully, I will loose the weight I need to loose by October. This way, I just need to maintain the weight until next year for our reunion.Today, I only eat fish and a lot of watermelon for my breakfast. I will not eat anything until I wake up tonight before I go to work. Maybe a coffee will do just to wake me ...
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Saturday, August 28, 2010

Desperately Want Weight Lost Motivation

I am so freaking desperate to loose weight and I just can't controll myself to have the strict 7 days diet to loose weight fast. I need to loose weight because the Laser Treatment for my acne scars will start soon.Ahhhh, I just don't know how will I keep myself motivated to start the strict diet. I just love to eat!!! lols... I want to be pretty and sexy sooner than I need to... haha...
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Saturday, August 21, 2010

Pretty And Sexy Soon

I can't wait for my appontment on Tuesday with the Laser Clinic that I called last week. I can't wait to start having the Laser Genesis Treatment and have everyone see my big transformation by October.It will be a one month period treatment for my acne scars. Once the treatment starts, I will start my full strict diet and have too loose about 10 lbs before the treatment is over. This way, I will know and decide if I still need the Juviderm Treatment. I am dying to have this treatment. Aside from my desire to slap those faces of envious people in...
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Friday, August 20, 2010

Take Your Passion Into A Higher Level

This is a Sponsored Post written by me on behalf of Haagen Dazs. All opinions are 100% mine.I came across this very interesting website that made me stay and watch the inspiring video interview with Sarah Richandson. For those who are not familiar with Sarah, she was a prop stylist and a set decorator. Her creative flair and enthusiasm for all the things at home and design, she explored her passion on camera and launched her HGTV series Room Service 10 years ago. After that, she has another 3 more hit shows to her repertoire, design inc., Sarah's...
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Friday, August 13, 2010

Vain Side Of Me

I am loosing weight very very slow and I need to loose the weight that I want before October because I am planning to start my Laser Genesis Treatment next month. The treatment might be done before the end of next month so I have to loose the weight by October so I can decide whether I need to have the Juviderm Treatment or not. I want to shock everyone with my big transformation. Beside, there will be so many activities in my life next year. Aside from our high school reunion next year, my high school male friend who happened to be my crush back...
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Friday, August 6, 2010

Eagerness To Continue Loosing Weight

Yepeey!! I am loosing weight and I am soooo inspired to continue loosing weight until I reached the weight that I want. I know that I have been having a yoyo diet for a couple of months now, because of some whirlwind things that is happening to my life. But I am so sure that this is the best time for me to continue to focus on loosing weight.And since I am so eager to loose the weight, I am also very eager to earn the money I need for my Laser Genesis Treatment. I need to save at least the price for the first treatment to see how it goes for me....
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Thursday, August 5, 2010

Insecurity That PushesTo Loose Weight

I think my insecurity for someone that I don't really know in person but just a picture on the internet, is helping me to push myself in loosing weight. So I am taking this as an advantage on the health part of my life.I can feel that the vegetable diet soup is working in melting my fats away because I can feel some cramps inside my tummy the whole night. My metabolism is speeding up now so I am taking advantage be eating more fruits.Since my mind is already set in seriously loosing weight sooner, I will increase the amount of weight I am lifting...
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Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Frustrated To Loose Weight

It's my third day eating the vegetable diet soup without following the 7 days diet plan, but just eating moderate amount of food the I usually eat. I still don't see and changes on my weighing scale. I am starting to feel frustrated, but I am giving myself until the weekend. If I don't see any big change on my weighing scale before the end of the week, I have no choice but to follow the 7 days diet pl...
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Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Started The Diet Soup

I already made the Vegetable Diet Soup and I already started eating it yesterday. I may not follow the 7 days diet plan, but I will try my best to eat the right food so I can loose weight faster.I eat the diet soup together with a lot of fruits to speed up my metabolism. I will also do my regular exercise after I pick the car at Chrysler Service Departme...
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Monday, August 2, 2010

Daily Vegetable Diet Soup

I just made the vegetable diet soup. I am not sure if I can do the strict 7 days diet that goes along with it. I will just eat this vegetable diet soup as often as I can and also, I will try to eat as many food rich in fiber as I can.I have started eating the soup this morning and I will continue eating this until I reach the weight goal that I want. It will take a while but I am not in a hurry. I still have more time until our reunion next ye...
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Sunday, August 1, 2010

Fruit Cleansing Diet and Vegetable Diet Soup

I just ate few unhealthy foods from my last night's party. But that will be it for today because me and my brother will start the fruit cleansing diet. He have some artritis problem and I have some weight problem. Cleansing is the best natural remedy. I will do my fruit cleansing diet together with the vegetable diet soup to help shed extra calori...
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Saturday, July 31, 2010

Cleansing Weight Lost

I have been eating a lot specially today that we will have a lot of food inside the house. But I will make sure to make the Vegetable Diet Soup tomorrow morning so I can start the fruit cleansing diet with the vegetable diet soup to make the cleansing of my system faster.As I've mentioned, I will not complete that 7 days diet that goes along with the Vegetable Diet Soup because it will be hard for my lifestyle. But I will try my best to do the first 2 to 3 days Diet just to clean my syst...
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Thursday, July 29, 2010

Bright Beginning Formula

This is a Sponsored Post written by me on behalf of PBM Products. All opinions are 100% mine.I've heard about Bright Beginning Formula for infants and have read good feedbacks from mothers, so I will recommend this to my brother's friend pregant wife.I am very interested about their Bright Beginnings DHA Milk Based Organic Infant Formula. It is organic but the price if affordable. Since it is organic, there is no pesticides, no added growth hormones, no antibiotics. Only organic quality milk is used for Bright Beginnings. Bright Beginnings Organic...
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Short Diet

I am going to invite some people to come over to our house on Saturday so hubby will cook some food for the visitors. I invited a lot of people at work but most of them will be going out since it is the long weekend, so only few people might attend.I wanted to start my Diet Soup today but since it will just be ruined on Saturday, I might just start it on Sunday. It is a 7 days diet, but I will just make the first 2 or 3 days since 7 days will be long for me as I work at night. I might not have enough energy to work while I am on a strict diet.I just want to clean my system by following at least the first 2 to 3 days of the 7 days diet. Then I will just monitor what I eat to loose weig...
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For Recent College Graduates and Career Changers

This is a Sponsored Post written by me on behalf of Woodrow Wilson. All opinions are 100% mine.I don't really like my job but since they are paying me good amount of money, I was able to stay in this company for 8 years. I may not like what I do but I have learned to love my daily living in this good company.There are still some days that I wish I am working with the kind of job that I really like. My life is almost perfect, except with my frustration of doing what I love to do on a full-time basis. They said that it not too late for me to start...
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Monday, July 26, 2010

Exercising To Ease Stiff Muscles

I am glad that I am not gaining weight even if I am not watching what I eat. It's probabkly because I am always tired working in and out of the house. I am so busy and I am always moving inside the house to make my house look better.But I did my exercise this week to lessen some strain muscles because I am starting to feel some backpain already and exercise have help a lot to ease the pain. Exercise is truly an amazing natural cure for backpain. The more you body work, the more you need to exercise to avoid stiff mucles. You just have to make sure...
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Friday, July 16, 2010

Sad For The Ruined Weight Loss Diet

What do you expect for someone who are trying to focus on a very strict diet during a very stressful, tiring and highly busy moving days, plus a very hot weather with a broken air conditoned but a ruined 7 Days strict weight loss diet.We have been working hard in moving our things since Friday and until now, we still have few little things to move. It's very hard so I might just start my 7 Days Diet all over again after everything is settled in our new home. I am very sad but happy with our new ho...
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Saturday, July 3, 2010

No Exercise Weight Loss

So I started my Vegetable Soup Diet yesterday and when I weigh myself this morning, I was surprised to see that I didn't gain any weight at all. I usually gained weight whenever I do nothing and just lie down on my bed.I have not been exercising for 5 days now and have been eating a lot. I was expecting a gained weight when I weight mysefl today but probably because I started my 7 Days Vegetable Diet Soup Plan, it probably stopped my body from gaining weight and burn those calories I gained for a couple of days of my laziness.Today, we will start...
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Friday, July 2, 2010

First Day 7 Days Diet

I finally made the Vegetable Diet Soup and I am already starting my 7 Days Diet today. I have been cheating a little and I hope I will still loose the weight before in 7 days... lol... I also have not been exercising for 4 days now because it's so inspiring to exercise with a messy house. But I will try my best to do 45 minutes complete exercise tomorrrow and beside, we will be doing a lot of work tomorrow for the moving. Today I have to eat only Fruits and the Vegetable Diet Soup. Whenever I do my Fruit Cleansing Diet, it makes my stomach very...
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Thursday, July 1, 2010

Vegetable Diet Soup Recipe With 7 Days Diet Plan

I am not sure if the Grocery Stores will be open because it is holiday. The Chinese Store infront of our house is usually open during holiday. I hope it will be open today so I can buy the vegetables to make the Vegetable Diet Soup so I can start the 7 Days diet plan today. Otherwise, I will just start this diet tomorrow so I can be finish before my vacation is over.For my friend who requested the recipe, here is the Vegetable Diet Soup Recipe with 7Days Diet Plan. The last time I tried this Diet, I lost more than 10 pounds in one week. Try it...
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Monday, June 28, 2010

Inspired To Loose Weight

I think I inspired my High School Friend to loose weight when she saw my pictures on my Friendster Account last year. She slowy lost weight since then, as I looked at her pictures on Facebook. Now she looks amazing on her pictures during the reunion last Sunday. She lost weight and I gained weight now... lols... I inspired her and now, she inspired me to loose weight and I am ready to do it again now that I found my Vegetable Soup Diet 7 Days Recipe. I will start this on Wednesday and I am looking at about 5 to 10 pounds to loose after 7 days....
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